Organisations are a way of grouping multiple projects together. Members who are added to an organisation automatically gain access to all of the projects in that organisation (to view, edit, and report on data).
Organisations overview
Rappt.IO organisations are used by groups who trap in multiple geographic regions but want easier...
Creating an organisation
The tech team at Rappt.IO can create an Organisation for you. There's no way of a user doing this...
Editing Organisation details
Only users with the Org Admin role are able to edit access these tools. As an Org Admin, you can...
Organisation roles
In addition to the four project roles, organisations provide an additional two roles: Org member ...
Adding and removing Organisation members
Adding members to your organisation, and removing members from your organisation works the same a...
Adding a Project to an Organisation
Rappt.IO Organisations are used by groups who trap in multiple geographic regions but want easier...
Adding and removing Organisation projects
In order to add or remove projects to an Organisation, you must be both the project's Administrat...