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179 total results found
Deleting installations
An installation can only be deleted if there are no records associated with it. If you wish to d...
Adding installations
Traps, bait stations, monitoring stations, and points of interest are all managed in roughly ...
Adding installation records
In order to add a record to an installation, you need to have the correct permissions. Addi...
Joining an existing project
Hopefully, there is an existing project close to the area you are interested in trapping. In this...
Creating a new project
If there isn't a nearby project for you to join, or you'd like to create your one, you can create...
Leaving a project
If you no longer wish to participate in a project you have joined, you can leave at any time. ...
Moving installations
See also: Moving installations using the app In order to move an installation you mu...
Deleting installation records
View all of the relevant installations by going to "Traps", "Bait stations", "Monitoring"...
Bulk editing installations
Only users with an "Administrator" role in a project can access these tools. The instruction...
Creating a new account
To use Rappt.IO you must first create an account. You can do this on our website by f...
Adding lines
How to add a line to your project Select your project from your My Projects list. Cli...
Editing lines
Start from the Lines section of your project (If you have more than one project, ch...
Adding and removing members
As the Administrator of a project, you are able to add, invite and remove people from the proje...
Managing member permissions
There are four roles which project members can have within a Rappt.IO project: Trapper, Advanced ...
Moving installations between projects
The instructions below outline how to move traps between projects. The process is basical...
How do I use the map tools?
Moving around the map You can pan around the map by clicking and dragging anywhere on the map....
How to bulk load tracks and traps from DNR Garmin?
Rodney Bethel, a Senior GIS Analyst at Palmerston North City Council, has kindly provided u...
Is my project data shared?
None of your project data is shared without your permission (please see our privacy p...
Installations overview
The Traps, Bait Stations, Monitoring Stations and Points of interest sections of your project all...
Remote monitoring
Information on integrating radio sensors with Rappt.IO Comprehensive User Guide is a service used for recording trap, bait station, monitoring, and biodiversity outcom...
Organisations are a way of grouping multiple projects together. Members who are added to an organ...
Getting started
Learn the basics of using
Project administration
Help guide for project administrators
Installations (Traps, Bait Stations, Monitoring Stations and POIs)
Traps, Bait Stations Monitoring Stations and POIs (Points of Interest) are all types of installat...
In order to start adding traps and recording catches, you need to be part of a project. Projects ...
Lines allow you to group installations together. They don't require a physical location, though m...
Frequently Asked Questions
Mobile app
To use the app you need an account on the website which is a member of an existing proje...
Joining or starting a project
In order to start adding traps and recording catches, you need to be part of a project. Projects ...
Your account
Registration and logging in to your account
Reporting is critical for accountability to trappers, funders, councils etc. It's also really int...
Installations (Traps, Bait Stations, Monitoring Stations and POIs)
Traps, Bait Stations Monitoring Stations and POIs (Points of Interest) are all types of installat...
Projects need Administrators, Managers, and Trappers. In backyard projects, that's the same perso...
Organisations are a way of grouping multiple projects together. Members who are added to an organ...
In order to start adding traps and recording catches, you need to be part of a project. Projects ...
Lines allow you to group installations together. Often they are used to follow a physical track o...
Map feeds
Rappt.IO provides a range of map feeds in OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) formats which can be l...
Why can't new members see installations?
When a new member is added to a project without any permissions, they have limited ac...