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Adding installations to a line

There are several ways to add an installation to a line. The line needs to exist in your project before an installation can be added to it. You can learn how to create lines here.

Adding a single installation to a line

When you're adding an installation to your project, you can add them to a line at this stage by selecting the line from the dropdown menu labelled "Line" on the Create Installation form.

e.g. When creating a new Bait Station


If you want to add an existing installation to a line, you can do this by editing the installation, and selecting the line from the "Line" dropdown menu.

Adding multiple installations to a line

You can add multiple installations to a line from the "Manage Traps/Bait Stations/Monitoring Stations" menu. 

Only users with an "Administrator" role in a project can access these tools.

The instructions below are for bulk editing traps.  The same method can be used to bulk edit stations, just replace the word "trap" with "bait station" or "monitoring station" as needed. 

To bulk edit traps:
  1. Go to the Manage Traps section of your project (If you have more than one project, check that you're in the right one). You can get there via Traps > Manage Traps in your project menu.
  2. (Optional) If you have a lot of traps, you can search for the particular traps that you want to edit using the filter bar. Click the green "Apply filter" button to show the filtered traps.
  3. Select the checkboxes of the traps you want to edit.
  4. Choose an operation from the Operations dropdown menu, then click the "Execute" button.
  5. From here you will be guided to edit the selected traps in whatever way you have selected.
  6. Check your edits and click the green "Confirm" button to save your changes.

For video help, click the youtube link here


Bulk editing operations include:
  • Add / remove tags
  • Assign / unassign members to traps & stations
  • Delete traps & stations
  • Change trap & station details
  • Date installed
  • Installed by
  • Type
  • Sub type
  • Line
  • Retired
  • Trap sensor provider
  • Send Meta Data about this trap to your sensor provider?
  • Trap notes
  • Move selected traps & stations to another project
  • Remove sensors from traps
  • Retire traps
  • Modify members' sensor notifications subscriptions