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Project settings

Flush Project Cache 


Synchronise Project 
Normally, changes to projects are synced automatically.  For example - if someone else adds a trap or bait station to a project, this will become visible in the app within a few minutes.   

Clicking on the cloud icon icon will immediately flush the project cache and force a refresh of the entire project. 
Refresh Depending on the size of your project, this may take some time and use up some data.

Re-fetch projectmap tiles

This will re-download the map tiles for the project. This is usually not necessary but if your map has gaps in it then this button may help to download them.


Tiletile resolution


This is the default detail levelnumber of megabytes dedicated to the map tilestile storedset forof offlinethis use.project. 
If Lowyou detailneed isbetter fastresolution to load and uses less storage space, but will look fuzzy whenon the map isyou zoomedcan in.increase Highthis detailvalue takesat longerthe tocost load and uses more storageof space on your device. Equally if you are concerned about lack of space your device butand retainsdon't need the map detaildetail, whenyou zoomedcan in.

decrease this value.If in doubt leave it at the default.