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158 total results found
Adding and removing organisation members
Trap records map feed attributes
Fields returned Field Description record_id the trap record UID ...
In the field
The app is the field tool for managing installations and records. From single traps to c...
Downloading line information
Line information (line name, colour, and a wkt string describing the line path) can be downloaded...
Project Categories
You must be a project Administrator have access to the "Project categories" section. Project cat...
The map feeds and APIs are provided on the condition that you provide a data source attr...
Accessing the map feeds with QGIS
Accessing layers You can add a WFS Layers Layer > Add Layer > Add WFS Layer Create a new...
Accessing the map feeds with ArcGIS
Accessing layers You can add a new WFS Server via Connections > Server > New WFS Server: Ente...
Downloading shape files, CSV, linking into Google Earth etc
The map server allows access to WGS 84 and NZTM projections and can also output in many different...
Accessing map feeds
Map feed addresses are in the format:
Creating a new project
Generating an API key
In the My account section of Rappt.IO, you can generate an API key that’s associated with your us...
Creating an organisation
The tech team at Rappt.IO can create an Organisation for you. There's no way of a user doing this...
Installation fields
Glossary of terms for each field for each installation Traps Fields for adding a trap. Required...
How can I find what app version I have installed?
When you're logged in to the app It is much easier to find the app version if you can log in to ...
Adding supplementary traps
Note: It is likely that all supplementary traps will be converted to collocated traps in the futu...
Editing a single installation
The instructions below describe how to edit a single installation. Installations can also be edit...
Editing lines
Adding lines
At my desk
The website is the control centre for your project(s). From adding single records to bul...